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Is It Time to Discuss Your Development With a Town Planner?

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Developers often need to consult with a wide range of experts when undertaking a very large project, such as creating an entirely new subdivision or very large apartment or condominium complex. One professional or expert you might need to meet with is a town planner, as they can help you when it comes to challenges you might face in the overall success of that development and how it fits into the city surrounding it. Note when it may be time to discuss your development with a town planner and how they can help.

If the project will greatly impact the overall growth of the area

Building an apartment complex with just a hundred or so units, or creating a small city block with just a dozen homes, probably won't impact the overall growth of the area. However, if you're building out an entire subdivision with several city blocks or creating a complex with hundreds and hundreds of units, this will mean more traffic congestion in the area, a great strain on the city's utilities, and the like. A larger area or development such as this might also attract retailers who want to build shops, banks, and other such businesses nearby.

Because of this impact on the city, a town planner should be consulted so he or she can meet with the city council and note how to address this growth; this might include widening roadways to ease congestion, installing more traffic signals, building a new power plant nearby, and so on. In turn, the city will be prepared for this growth and your development will also be very desirable to future investors or tenants, as they can easily access the development and find the shops they need nearby.

If the development might affect historical areas

Many cities have historic buildings, landmarks, and even areas that are meant to be preserved. Even if your development will only be adjacent to these items or areas and they don't sit on the property you've purchased for development, your development may still affect them. The way you develop your land may mean that there is a risk for soil erosion that could affect a nearby natural feature that is considered a historic area, or it may affect the property on which a historic building sits. It's good to discuss this with a town planner as they can ensure that the historic area or landmark is protected during your development so that you don't face sanctions from the city because of damage caused once your development is completed. 
