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Benefits of Buying Antique Jewellery for a Loved One

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If there is someone special in your life, you might want to buy them jewellery. While heading to a local jewellery store to get a brand new pair of earrings or ring is definitely an option, why not consider antique jewellery? There are some unique benefits you get with this jewellery that you just can't replicate with store-bought jewellery.

No Two Pieces Will Be the Same

While when antique jewellery was first made there might have been more than one that looked similar, you will be hard pressed to find duplicates now. These pieces are decades or even a century old or more. It is highly unlikely that if you find an antique engagement ring for your girlfriend, one of her friends will have a ring exactly like it. There might be some styles slightly similar with today's trend of wanting vintage-style jewellery, but it definitely won't be exactly the same. Antique jewellery is perfect for someone who really likes to be unique and have original items.

Each Piece Tells a Story

Antique jewllery also has a lot more meaning than something that was mass-produced and sold in a mall jewellery store. This is a piece that was owned by someone and might have a very interesting story. If you buy it from a consignment store, ask the sales person if they know where it came from. Many people will sell their grandmother's jewellery and actually know where she got it from, and they will let the consignment or antique shop know about it for potential customers. If you buy your antique jewellery from an estate sale, you might even meet a relative of the person who owned that piece of jewellery.

You Save Money With Antique Jewellery

Naturally, another benefit of antique jewellery is that you are going to save some money. Since this is considered pre-owned or used jewellery, it probably won't cost as much as something brand new. Another thing to consider is that the stones might be different from more conventional jewelry. While most modern rings are made with diamonds, many wedding and engagement rings used to be made with gemstones. This is also going to reduce how much you spend on the jewellery.

The Craftsmanship is Different

Don't forget that the way jewellery is made today is much different than how it sued to be made. Goldsmiths once made all of the jewellery one piece at a time, using their professional skills and expertise. They took pride in their work and wanted it to be perfect. No antique jewellery was mass-produced with machinery and assembly lines.

For more information, contact a business such as Chilton's Antiques.
